E1102 Stabilized Clear Mulch – Stabilized transparent mulch

Stabilized clear mulch film. The film is transparent to incoming radiation and traps the longer wavelengths re-radiating from the soil, Having the greatest warming potential comparing to black and colored mulch. The film decreases the soil water loss and can be used for solarization.

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Product: Stabilized Clear Mulch
Catalog Number: E1102
Durability: 1 Season at 120 Kly
Thickness: 25 µ
Width: According to customer order
Length: According to customer order


Property Test Method Units Value
Tensile Strength at break [MD] ASTM D-882 MPa. 20
Tensile Strength at break [TD] ASTM D-882 MPa. 20
Elongation at break [MD] ASTM D-882 % 500
Elongation at break [TD] ASTM D-882 % 500
Falling Dart Impact ASTM D-1709 gr. 130
Total light transmission Internal % 90
Thickness average Israeli Stnd. 821 % ±8% on nominal
Thickness tolerance Israeli Stnd. 821 % ±15%



All year long


Vegetables and field crops

Soil heating


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