E1324 Stabilized film for solarization – Transparent fumigation film

The plastic sheets allow the sun’s radiant energy to be trapped in the soil and heating the soil. Solarization during the hot summer months can increase soil temperature to levels that kill many diseases and weed seed. Soil solarization also improves soil structure and increases the availability of nitrogen (N) and other essential plant nutrients.

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High TransparancyMulch

Solarization is a simple, safe, and effective method that has been used with field, vegetable, and flower crops. It can be combined with organic soil amendments or reduced rates of pesticide application for greater effectiveness. The plastic sheets should be left in place for 4 to 8 weeks to allow the soil to heat to the greatest depth possible.

Product: Stabilized film for solarization
Catalog Number: E1324
Thickness: 30-40 µ
UV Resistance: 12 months

Property Test Method Units Value
Tensile Strength at break [MD] ASTM D-882 MPa. 20
Tensile Strength at break [TD] ASTM D-882 MPa. 18
Elongation at break [MD] ASTM D-882 % 300
Elongation at break [TD] ASTM D-882 % 500
Falling Dart Impact ASTM D-1709 gr. 100
Total light transmission EN 13206 % 90
Thickness average EN 13206 % ±5% on nominal
Thickness tolerance EN 13206 % ±15% on each point


Durability (months)

10-12 months

Solar fumigation


Chemical fumigation


Thermal additives


Drip-driven additives


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